The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. (Isa 35:1 KJV)
For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground . . . (Isa 44:3 KJV)

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

ROAD TRIP 2024 - DAY 3

Day 3  May 7

Well, we didn't actually make it to Amarillo.  Our stop was just west of it in the town of Bushland.

Another wonderful visit with family.  This time with oldest son David and his wife Kathy.  They are always so welcoming whenever we come to see them.  David grilled some delicious T-bones and Kathy made homemade ice cream.  David was able to track down the problem with the electrical wiring on the trailer.  It was a short in one of the tail lights.  We can now run safely after dark because we have running lights again.

Grandson Kenny came by.  Randy helped him change a tire on his Blazer.  Nice bonding time with Grandpa and grandson.

We headed out this morning and took the back country roads to avoid the traffic in Amarillo. We are now on our way to Kansas where we will be able to visit with Christi, Jose, Shelly and Miles.

We are enjoying the slower pace of the back roads.  We watched the acrobatic moves of a crop duster as he worked the fields and passed over the road in front of us a couple of times.  A little farther on we caught sight of what we thought were a couple of small deer in the tall grass.  When we got closer we saw that they were two antelope hopping through the field.  Randy spotted a pheasant that looked like he was hunting for bugs in the weeds along the side of the road.

Lots of wide open spaces out here.  Acres and acres of wind farms.  Many trees and bushes have a permanent bend in the direction of the prevailing wind.  

Last night there was a great deal of storm activity in the area.  Tornado sightings were in the news.  Today the weather ahead is clear.